
Some things to share from a graduating senior...

Outside Huntsman Hall.png

It’s crazy to say that I’m officially a Class of 2020 graduate. Although I planned to dedicate more time to reflect on my time at Penn, I am still dreading it a little. I never feel that I will be able to capture all that I’ve felt, thought about, experienced, been grateful for, etc. I could write so much… which is ironic because I never kept a journal during college. The thoughts are all whirling in my head, appearing randomly throughout my days spent inside my house in NJ…

I recently watched Malala’s documentary and was once again reminded how incredibly privileged I am—we are—to have received such a tremendous, best-in-the-world education. Especially when I think about being a woman-of-color, a child of immigrants, I recognize that within these two categories, I am among the most highly privileged people there can be, living in an environment where I am most well positioned to achieve my potential. This is truly not the case for so many women and girls I have read about, listened to, spoken to. It pains me to hear some of their stories, but I know I will be using my privilege so that more women get to experience what I have been able to experience.

I am so, so grateful to have had this experience of four years at Penn. It’s almost indescribable, what has transpired. The challenges and risks I took. How much I pushed myself. How my friends, mentors, and professors have inspired and enlightened me. How others have come to support me and show that they care. How I’ve worked with and learned from so many talented, driven, and curious peers. All the opportunities and support I found in the organizations at Penn. All the interesting classes, exciting clubs and activities, engaging events, unique people I’ve met. All the things I created alongside others. I have and will continue to appreciate all that I have done and been offered at Penn. Of course there were so many disappointments, mishaps, rejections, and failures along the way. But, I still had a blast.

And of course, this was all possible because of my parents. They were recently telling me how much they struggled when they just arrived to the U.S. as grad students with almost no money. Even in light of our intergenerational differences and past misunderstandings, I could not thank them enough for investing in me from a very young age, pushing me, eventually making it possible for me to make the most of and graduate from an Ivy League institution with life-changing experiences on my back, a future I am rarin’ to pursue, and no student loans. I am proud to be their daughter.

It has been such an unforgettable journey for me… exploring and deepening my passions and mission in life, forming my identity, growing my agency and voice, developing my strengths, skills, and self-awareness, building strong relationships with others, going outside of my comfort zone (often), seizing the day…everyday, making genuine connections, constantly learning, convincing myself I can make that new thing happen and actually doing it. I tried to absorb everything college had to offer, while persuading myself every day that I should believe in myself and my abilities. I am so happy I stretched myself in this way. It was hard for sure, but I took ownership and stayed true to myself, all along the way.

I realize that I’m sort of rambling now and not being super specific. There are too many examples of each of the things I listed above. …These are really my honest, high-level takeaways. I am writing all of this in one go because that’s my style—I didn’t really want to structure or prescribe this post in any way. Anyhow, to leave with underclassmen and any other interested readers, I have created a few things…

  1. A compilation of all the things I have done at Penn…

    1. I thought I'd share all the things I've done at Penn, since underclassmen have asked me several times, and I wanted to share the info to anyone who would find it helpful. This is a snapshot into how I was able to explore my interests, what resources I accessed, and what informed my path from Freshmen year to now.

  2. Dear Penn Freshman,

    1. A letter to future Freshmen that I titled “A Stream of Consciousness” because it’s just that. I wrote it all at once because I would definitely fuss over it way too much or hesitate too much while writing if I didn’t commit to just sharing my pure, honest train of thoughts. Similar to what I did with this post :)

  3. Anti-Resume

    1. [Coming Soon]

Anyhow, there are a million and one thoughts that I still haven’t put in writing yet that I am making sure I do over the course of these next few weeks… if any of them are super coherent, maybe they’ll end up here. But, I’ll likely be doing it mostly for myself. I want to give the time and space to really remember, reflect, and introspect. I’m not ready to let go, really. Maybe this will help me get closure, since we didn’t get to have closure the normal way…

There are two bees that somehow got inside and are buzzing really loudly at the window near where I’m sitting, writing this. I guess that’s a sign to shift my mind space, for now! Until next time.

Melinda Hu